Borderline Bodies
M.Arch Thesis Project
The thesis explored a framework for integrating a structural agency within a adaptable architectural framework, through the interaction between agent and constraint as borderline structural and architectural functions.
Kengo Skorick, Jonas Runberger (Material Turn Studio)
Jonas Lundberg
The project explores a contemporary and adaptive take on traditional vaulting as a set of adaptable modules. These are derived from a doubly curved, stiffened membrane spanning between a set of distinct, more conventional architectural elements such as walls and floors. By embracing the contrast between the two geometric types, through their interaction as constraints and agent, a framework emerges which is both undulating and rigid. The project explores a range of spatial conditions across different scales where this module can act both sculpturally and structurally in a continuous blend.
Model of plaster cast on a suspended membrane.
Design studies mapped as interpolations between programatical, sculptural and structural function.
The final proposal as a cultural center with a varying range of spatial conditions.